3K After School Teacher
Part Time
- Must be at least 21 years old
- A minimum of 2 years’ experience as a teacher for children 3 years to 4 years in age is required.
- Ability to build relationships with families and coworkers and create a dynamic environment where play and learning happens
- High School Diploma/ GED required
- ECE coursework preferred
- Must meet state specific guidelines for the role
Job Type: Full time/Part time
This franchise is independently owned and operated by a franchisee. Your application will go directly to the franchisee, and all hiring decisions will be made by the management of this franchisee. All inquiries about employment at this franchisee should be made directly to the franchise location, and not to The Learning Experience Corporate.
The Learning Experience #278
The Learning Experience
At The Learning Experience, we make early education joyful, engaging and fun so children are happy to learn, play and grow.
Our curriculum focuses on the six ages and stages of early childhood development and engages children in hands-on learning activities that encourage them to explore and solve problems at their own rate of development. This forms a foundation for kids to Learn, Play and Grow under the care of our nurturing teachers and staff.
At TLE®, we’ve created a full cast of characters that become our little learners’ educators, partners and friends through their preschool education journey. Each character has a unique personality and area of interest and brings learning to life by allowing children to explore the world through fun and imagination.
(if you already have a resume on Indeed)